Wednesday, July 8, 2015


I have a secret.
Many times I have been called an enigma, a conundrum...
and rough around the edges.
That is not the secret.
My secret is that I am not an enigma, as much as I'd like to be.
I am very simple.
People think that I am mysterious, that I think a lot-
and they would very much like to know what is going on inside my head.
Quite simply the answer is: nothing.
Maybe I am so mysterious and puzzling becuase of the lack of information flowing through my head.

Some might say I am wrong. And maybe so.
Maybe I do not know of the endless string of thought that swirls through my brain.
Maybe it is hidden from me.
Not likely.

I'm not saying I am dumb...
Although I have thought that before and would not hesitate to think so again-
if it were shown to be so.
I am simple.
In my simplicity I hide behind mysterious eyes.
That is all.

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