Friday, July 3, 2015

Cracks in the Pavement

She tried to walk on the cracks in the pavement. They were curiously even, making shapes like a city skyline, a castle wall,or perhaps a broken road. She considered and chose the broken road; it was almost definitely the most appropriate option. Life had a way of breaking her down, and her road had been crooked. She used to think that maybe there wasn't anyone alive enough to have a relationship with her, but recently she had realized that the real problem would be finding someone dead enough. She passed a graveyard almost every day during work, which often inspired the morbid poems that used to seldom find themselves hidden on her page. Trying to walk on the cracks made her look funny, she knew, but she cared very little. Holding someone's hand over these cracks would not make it better. She felt that the cracks might open up farther into great valleys and separate the two of them anyway. No, she must walk alone.

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